On July 12th, Shanghai Valley and Minfon Group will host an Investor Roundtable for investors from Silicon Valley with Chinese institutional investors, and exchange ideas on current Chinese investment culture and atmosphere, and the methodology to invest successfully in China.
届时,名风科技和ShanghaiValley.cn的创始人Mr. Ken Chang将与《财富》评定的 “全球50个最有影响力的创新界领袖人物”之一,硅谷奇点大学(Singularity University)与XPRIZE 基金会创始人 ——Dr. Peter Diamandis共同主持此次投资行业的盛会。
Two hosts for the Investor Roundtable are founder of Shanghai Valley and Minfon Group, Mr. Ken Chang, and one of "The World's 50 Greatest Leaders" by Fortune Magazine, founder of Singularity University in Silicon Valley and XPRIZE, Dr. Peter Diamandis.
我们还邀请到美国其他15位来自金融、地产、能源、制造、科技、传媒等领域的投资伙伴。Dr. Peter Diamandis带领着投资人团队跨越重洋,希望深入了解蕴含机会的中国,在打开中国市场、发展中方合作关系、在中国探索投资领域等方面与中国的机构投资人互通有无,并在未来的合作中寻求共赢。
We also have 15 other US investors from different walks of business including finance, real estate, energy, manufacturing, technology, media, and the like. Dr. Peter Diamandis leading the group of investors from across the ocean aims to explore the promising Chinese investment market and communicate with the Chinese institutional investors on how to enter the Chinese market, create partnerships, and select the investment opportunities in China. They would also like to achieve a win-win collaboration with Chinese partners in the future.
Our Leaders for Investor Roundtable
Dr. Peter Diamandis,创立了奇点大学(Singulariy University) 和十几家商业太空探索公司,已将8位顾客送上了国际空间站,同时是人类寿命有限公司(HLI)的联合创始人和副董事长,XPRIZE, BOLD Capital和Abundance 360的创始人。他获麻省理工分子遗传学学位和航天工程学位,哈佛医学博士学位。著有《创业无畏:指数级成长路线图》(BOLD)和《富足:改变人类未来的4大力量》(Abundance:The Future is Better Than You Think)两本书。
Dr. Peter Diamandis: Founder of Singularity University, XPRIZE, BOLD Capital, Abundance 360 and Human Longevity Inc.
(Dr. Peter Diamandis 与特斯拉 CEO, Elon Musk 及其他专家的合影) (Dr. Peter Diamandis and Tesla CEO, Elon Musk and other experts.)
(Dr. Peter Diamandis作为美国Success杂志封面人物接受专访)(Dr. Peter Diamandis featured on Success Magazine)
Ken Chang —— 资深企业家,于硅谷居住超过20年。名风和ShanghaiValley.cn 两家公司的创始人兼首席执行官。拥有美国纽约州立大学宾汉顿分校金融学士学位,同时为全球多所大学商学院和企业担任讲师与顾问。
Ken Chang is a serial entrepreneur who has spent over 20 years of his professional life in Silicon Valley. He is the founder and CEO of Shanghai Valley and Minfon Group.
Investor Roundtable Schedules
7月12日, 星期三
12:30 pm-1:00 pm
ShanghaiValley.cn简介—Mr. Ken Chang
1:05 pm-2:00 pm
2:00 pm-3:30 pm
硅谷投资人团队介绍及嘉宾问答—Dr. Peter Diamandis
3:30 pm-5:00 pm
7/12/2017, Wednesday
12:30 pm-1:00 pm
Ken Chang's Introduction of Shanghai Valley
1:05 pm-2:00 pm
Q&As for attendees
2:00 pm-3:30 pm
Peter Diamandis’ talk and Q&As for attendees
3:30 pm-5:00 pm
(The Investor Roundtable is free for institutional investors. The meeting will be conducted in English.)
If you are interested in attending this invite-only roundtable discussion, please register below:
1. Add us via WeChat at kyc2013, specifying “July 12th”
2. Or fillout a registration form at www.shanghaivalley.com/for-investors-signup
(The Investor Roundtable is for institutional investors only. The meeting location will be sent to verified investors. No meals will be provided during the meeting.)